Saturday, February 21, 2015

My Profusely Lantana

When I first bought my lantana, I was amazed by its abundance brightly and colourful flowers. I potted on my porch expecting to see the flowers all day long while sipping a cup of tea. However it did not last for long. I realised that this plant needs full of sun.  Then I moved it outside and potted in a larger container. Thought it would grow beautifully unfortunetly it was all away around, my lantana was dull, with no flowers, had bunch of branches; and all I wanted to do was throw this lantana away.

When my garderner helper was trying to throw it away, I felt my lantana spoke to me... It is a bit wierd though but that's how I felt. It said "don't throw me away please I promise you I will bloom abundantly, I promise... you won't regret, please keep me."

My heart sharttered seeing this lantana was about to cry and it looked as if the branches were pull to me. "Stop" as I told to my gardener. "Don't throw it." I then spotted a place for my lantana and soon my gardener dug a hole.

Now... voila.... here it is! I am so happy of it and yes this lantana did not let me down ever since. It has bloomed all year round. All my neighbours are falling in love seeing this profusely bloomed flowers of lantana.

I now realise that plants have their own habitat, to make them happy, plant them as they love to be not as what we want to be. You will be surprise how plant will show you when they are on the right spot.

Happy planting everyone!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Anggrek Dendrobium Antennatum

Senangnya saya melihat anggrek yang satu ini. Ini adalah anggrek dendrobium antennatum. Awalnya ada 3 pseudobulb. Sekarang lebih dari 10!

Anggrek ini rajin berbunga tanpa kenal musim dan tahan banting baik panas maupun hujan. Bunganya pun bertahan lebih dari 3 bulan dan wangi. Tunas barunya pun cepat pertumbuhannya.

Selamat menikmati melihat foto foto anggrek dendrobium antennatum....